BE CURIOUS PODCAST - championing solutions to some of the worlds biggest problems.
This is the podcast that dives into solution-based conversations with thought leaders, organizations and entrepreneurs who are taking action and making changes that will make our planet more sustainable.
This podcast champions solutions to some of the world's biggest challenges. In each episode we get curious about a burning topic – from carbon emissions and single use plastics to unthought of subjects like the clothes we wear and the food we eat. We feature thought leaders, entrepreneurs and scientists who are taking action to help create a brighter more sustainable tomorrow.
Have you ever wondered what happens to your old phone when you throw it out? Surplus.com has a solution
What is done with the tons of plastic pulled from the ocean – Take a look at Solgaard luggage
Or even why your produce is bland and watery? Regenerative agricultural methods are bringing life back to our food
We discuss passions, inspirations and most importantly the problems that our guests are solving to make our planet more sustainable for future generations
BE CURIOUS podcast also has many gift available in our monthly giveaway. You can find out more on Instagram at @becurious_podcast

In this episode we get ‘curious’ about our clothing – something we put on every day and don’t think twice about where it has come from, how it is made or what it is actually made with. Shiloh Uhlir, from Commune Closets shares some shocking truths about the fashion industry as well as talks about her seconds sexy initiative.
This episode is sponsored by Future Insight E.V
In this episode we are getting curious about our food and what we are actually putting into our bodies on a daily basis. If the saying ‘you are what you eat’ is true then we are all made up of microplastics and too many pesticides and toxins to even list. To talk about his own journey with food as medicine and promote the benefits of regenerative agriculture following the release of his documentary film FEEDING TOMORROW, is chef, filmmaker and co founder of Common Table creative, Oliver English.
This episode is sponsored by Future Insight E.V
Episode 10 Featuring Monique Figueiredo - Founder & Strategic Director of Compostible LA
In this episode we are getting curious about food scraps – We all create them; whether it is a apple core or carrot peel, those food scraps can actually be beneficial to our health by composting them and putting them back into the food cycle. Listen to how it all works with Monique Figueiredo, the founder of Compostable LA.
Episode 11 with Wes Carter, President of Atlantic Packaging and Co-founder of A New Earth Project.
In this episode we are getting curious about packaging. Every single thing we own has been packaged somewhere along the line and the amount of energy and resources needed to make that packaging is astronomical – worse still nearly 50% of plastic waste actually comes from packaging – but, there are solutions. Joining us from North Carolina is the President of Atlantic Packaging and the Founder of A New Earth Project, Wes Carter.

Louise Houghton is a British broadcast journalist who has a reputation working internationally on TV, film and at many live events with a focus on sustainability.
Among other accolades, she has worked with the European Space Agency for over a decade and then NASA on their earth observation program, hosted the Green Awards in NYC, Living Planet Symposium in Germany and moderated panel discussions for the latest Big Picture Ranch documentary called COMMON GROUND.
Louise was a story teller at a young age, winning competitions for poetry, acting and writing, It was only natural this passion continued into adulthood and, for the past 20 years, Louise has travelled the world sharing other peoples stories through her journalism work, both on stage and on screen.
She is especially passionate about sharing the stories of sustainable companies tackling environmental issues in their own industries and striving to leave this planet a better place for future generations.
Enter the monthly giveaway competitions, by following @BECURIOUS_podcast on Instagram! (Link below)
Use code “BECURIOUS” to get 20% off with Lettuce Grow
Contact us if you would like to be on the show or have a topic you wish us to cover.